Director Of Facilities, Maintenance And Transportation
Email Jodi Newman
For Transportation Requests please call:
Elementary Main Office: 607-637-1219
Elementary Health Office: 607-637-1220
Middle/High School Main Office: 607-637-1305
It is important that students learn their bus route number/symbol and arrive early to their bus stop. Your primary address will be used to identify the pick up and drop off location for your child(ren).
Changes to the pick up and drop off points will only be made for purposes of regularly scheduled childcare or emergencies. In these situations, changes can be arranged through the elementary and MS/HS offices at the beginning of the school year or, in the case of an emergency, no later than 1 p.m.
Changes for pre-K students should be made by the following times:
9 a.m. for drop off changes for AM Pre-K and pick up changes for PM Pre-K
1 p.m. for drop off changes for PM Pre-K
Some Rules of the Road
It is expected that all students will enter and leave the bus in an orderly manner. In addition, the following is expected:
Running, pushing and crowding will not be tolerated
Students must sit facing forward at all times
Students are expected to remain in their seats while the bus is in motion
Eating/drinking is not allowed
Students may talk, but shouting, screaming, whistling, etc., is not permitted as these actions may distract drivers
Profane/indecent language will not be tolerated
Transportation to and from school must be as safe and as pleasant as possible. We expect students to be courteous and thoughtful of the rights of others. Students who persistently violate good conduct rules will lose bus privileges.
Students and Parents should expect the following actions for minor offenses:
1st minor offense: Students will receive a warning from the driver and a conference with parents will follow.
2nd minor offense: Students will meet with the transportation supervisor and another conference with parents will follow. Further misconduct will result in a suspension of riding privileges.
3rd minor offense: Suspension of riding privileges. The duration will be determined by the transportation supervisor and principal.
Major offenses: Immediate suspension of riding privileges.